Качество и надежность

Quality & Reliability

• We have been manufacturing monitors for over 35 years

• During this time we have produced tens of thousands of monitors

• Thousands of medical institutions trust the Holter monitoring system "Cardiotechnica»

• In 35 years, not a single monitor has been removed from post-warranty service

• At this point, many clinics are still using monitors that were manufactured more than 15 years ago

• More than 1,000 enhancements each year are provided free of charge to users of the current version of the software.

• The vast majority of physicians recognize the INCART system as the best of all Holter monitoring systems*
* according to the results of surveys of doctors in professional communities on facebook

Uncompromising ECG recording quality

• All diagnostic monitors record 12 standard ECG leads. The doctor does not need to think about how the shape of QRS-complex or the end part of the ventricular complex will change in unusual monitor leads when recording 2 - 3 leads. The sensitivity of the method in the determination of ischemic ECG changes increases, it becomes possible to assess the topics of rhythm and conduction disorders. In monitoring it becomes possible to use all the features developed for standard ECG.

• The large dynamic range (+\- 300 mV) virtually eliminates ECG "off-scale" and signal loss even with large isoline drift and high offset voltage at the electrode.

• High resolution of the recorded ECG (1 μV) allows not only to consider ECG at multiple amplification, but also in the subsequent processing to determine such low-amplitude events as late ventricular and atrial potentials, microalternation of the T-tooth.